Monday, May 23, 2005

The purple rose of Coruscant

Six times ...

Six republic falling, and Sith rising. Multiple treasons and endless attempts to avoid the unavoidable.

The good thing about this episode is that viewing ROTS six times doesn't mean we saw the same story each time.

We started enjoying the simple (nearly slapstick) humor, the high speed chases and combats. The talking parts are slightly left in the background, since they seem to have little influence on these overwhelming acts of war.

Then, once the surprise part of the action sequences passes, we focus on the threads tying those action scenes together, that is the exposition parts, the conversation sequences.
Important information is revealed there, with direct impact on what we see afterwards, but not only, since references are made to things we haven't seen and will not see in the movie. This is where the fun begins, because we start to feel, how the plot is thicker than just a few fiercly clashing lightsabers.

The story takes a new turn as the number of viewings increases, as we nearly know each sentence, every voice tone or brief glance ... we are there, we feel like we are sitting in the Jedi temple, aboard the "Invisible hand" or riding a jolly varactyl ...
The story arcs are all clear, and help us discover hidden ones, or why not make up our own ?

This is a living movie, in which we feel very much alive ...


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