Spoiled and rotten
Where to begin ?
There is so much to say after having seen "Revenge of the Sith" twice on that first day.
Let's just say that George Lucas definitely spoiled us fans, and that I am utterly 'rotten' now.
Beware, I shall now spoil you abouts ROTS.
Let's begin ...
That last movie of the new prequel trilogy (PT) contains nearly all that was initiated in the first two, with ingredients of the original trilogy (OT).
First, that light humor during tense moments is back, bringing to ROTS something that was somewhat missing in TPM and AOTC. Don't getta me wrongo, ROTS is not a funny movie, it is sad, and even tragic.
Because not only does the story reveal what happened to Anakin Skywalker, but also focuses on the fall of the Old Republic, the story of Palpatine, and tying all the bits of information from the PT and the OT.
And as if this was not enough information to swallow, we even get to know a host of new planets, several new flavors of clone troopers, not to mention the ever growing list of vehicles, weaponry and tiny bleeping and blinking pieces of Star Wars technology.
Most important of all, the Saga is now complete, the story now has a beginning, and I already have that urge to see the OT, again, because it won't mean the same again, not after ROTS.
This difficult task of bridging two generations (of characters as well as viewers) is, in my opinion, a success.
We were happy to finally get to see that Obi-Wan / Anakin confrontation, to witness the twins birth, and of course, the creation of the dark lord of the Sith, with genuine helmet attaching hissing sound, and original James Earl Jones deep voice !
And that feeling of relief was equally balanced with brand new subplots and ideas, such as where Palpatine found his Dark knowledge, and that there are still Jedi in hiding throughout the galaxy, and that R2-D2 did not get a memory wipe as C-3PO !!!
One of the things that pleased me the most is that I seem to have foreseen things correctly (not a very Jedi way of thinking, I know :)
Palpatine mentions that a Sith that I believe to have been his master had found the way to create life out of Midichlorians. He says that while giving Anakin a strange look.
This matches an idea I had since episode I: Anakin's mother, Shmi, carried her son without a father, and this son has the highest midichlorian count ever measured.
I was thinking at the time: what if Palpatine, master of deception and manipulation, had used outer rim, backwater lawless worlds (such as Tatooine) as experimental fields to try and create beings artificially, with midichlorian manipulation ?
That would make of Palpatine, virtually, Anakin's father ! And so, ROTJ would be the story of a grandson (Luke) fighting a father (Anakin/Vader), killing a grandfather (Palpatine) ...
That would create the possibility of other artificially created midichlorian freaks on other lost planets.
Oh well, it's getting late. I have more things to say, but they will have to wait ...
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