Tuesday, May 17, 2005

On board !

Well, here we are, about to leave for the green and pleasant land, where we'll watch that movie again and again.

The backpacks are full (but not too full, some space has to be left for any episode III memorabilia, and we know we will bring some !), the train tickets are ready, and our minds are ready to be blown away.
Because something tells me that last episode will be a big one.

Oh, and Star Wars doesn't end in two days, no ... The TV show that is supposed to last for a hundred episodes is going to be something too I think.
My guess is we are going to follow someone whose life evolves around the senate stories, and how the Empire slowly gains power over the dying republic ideals ...
I think that character could be Princess Leia, since we'll see her as a child at first (hence following Bail Organa most of the time), and then slowly see her growing up and taking part to the political scene, meeting important OT people such as Tarkin, and why not Solo as an imperial officer, Vader, Palpatine ?

With that, the books, games, RPG, SWG are still floating around, meaning these will not be uneventful moments for the old and new SW fans :)


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