Do astromech droids dream of cloned nunas ?
Star Wars is also about time, how it transforms us, despite our actions, and how we use it to our advantage, even against the odds.
Time for an ignorant farmboy to grow up to a new Jedi, time for a powerful Jedi to be burnt down by his passions.
Time for a galactic republc to turn into an Empire, and back.
But what is time without a way to measure it, without a witness ?
How useful is a story without anyone to remember, and to tell it ?
These musings lead to the inevitable but so exciting question: who is the narrator of that story that happened a long time ago, so far away ?
It must be someone with exceptional longevity, unnaturally accurate memory. Someone who would have lived all this, and survived all these battles and wars, someone who would not have been influenced by Palpatine's propaganda to make people forget about the Jedi, someone who would not have had a memory wipe ...
Yes, R2 could and should be that supernatural narrator ... He (or she, or it, as you prefer) was there when all memorable events took place, he insisted that Luke met that old hermit Ben.
I know several situations of the OT still need explanation to fit that stunning revelation (especially the R2 /Yoda meeting on Dagobah), and I'll let you work on that little exercise; I did it myself, and ... let's say that crazy idea seems to be possible.

This guy's wise

They are for sale, if you want them ...
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